
Kristina Henry Collins

Texas State University


Doctor in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia. Chair of the board of directors of Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), and board member of the National Association for Gifted Childreen (NAGC). Her research foci include multicultural gifted education; culturally responsive STEM identity and talent development. She has been the recipient of several awards including, the NAGC 2020 Specical Population Early Career Award and the Bridges 2e Education 2020 Person to Watch Award, and the 2011 Mary Frasier Equality and Excellence Award from the Georgia Association for Gifted Children.


1 livros com autoria de Kristina Henry Collins

1.ª Edição

Bullying. Impactos na Educação: O que sabemos a respeito da Sobredotação?

Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske
Beatriz Oliveira Pereira
Kristina Henry Collins
Cloves Antonio de Amissis Amorim

ISBN: 978-989-26-2085-5
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-2086-2


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