
Lachlan McCaw

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Lachlan McCaw



3 capítulos com autoria de Lachlan McCaw

Reconstructing the spread of landscape-scale fires in semi-arid southwestern Australia

Lachlan McCaw;Vicky Reynen;Katherine Zdunic;Mika Peace

Understanding the changing fire environment of south-west Western Australia

Lachlan McCaw

Drivers of wildland fire behaviour variation across the Earth

Paulo M. Fernandes;Ângelo Sil;Davide Ascoli;Miguel G. Cruz;Martin E. Alexander;Carlos G. Rossa;Jaime Baeza;Neil Burrows;G. Matt Davies;Alessandra Fidelis;James S. Gould;Navashni Govender;Musa Kilinc;Lachlan McCaw

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