
Stuart Matthews

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Stuart Matthews



3 capítulos com autoria de Stuart Matthews

Delivering a New Australian Fire Danger Rating System – Building on decades of research to deliver public safety outcomes

Simon Heemstra;Stuart Matthews;Fiona Dunstan;Hiru Jay;Simon Louis

Modelling fine fuel moisture content and the likelihood of fire spread in blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) litter

Anita Pinto;Juncal Espinosa-Prieto;Carlos Rossa;Stuart Matthews;Carlos Loureiro;Paulo M. Fernandes

Building the prototype for a new National Fire Danger Rating System for Australia

Stuart Matthews;Paul Fox-Hughes;Saskia Grootemaat;Simon Heemstra;Jennifer Hollis;Belinda Kenny;Samuel Sauvage;Corey Shackleton;Lew Short;Deb Sparkes

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