
Luis Reis

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Luís Reis



8 capítulos com autoria de Luis Reis

Slope effect on Junction Fire with Two Non-symmetric Fire Fronts.

Carlos Ribeiro;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Jorge Raposo;Luís Reis;Jason Sharples

Low cost protection system of infrastructures against forest fires

Gilberto Vaz;Jorge Raposo;Luís Reis;Pedro Monteiro;Domingos Xavier Viegas

A comparative study of the combustion dynamics and flame properties of dead forest fuels

Adel Sahila;Hanane Boutchiche;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Luis Reis;Nouredine Zekri

The role of the fuel moisture content on the prediction of large wildfires using the Fire Weather Index system

Daniela Alves;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Miguel Almeida;Luís Reis;Jorge Raposo;Carlos Ribeiro

The influence of packing ratio on forest fuel fire spread on a laboratory scale: no wind, no slope

Hanane Boutchiche;Adel Sahila;Luís Reis;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Nouredine Zekri

Mobile LPG cylinders at WUI fires: an alternative to avoid accidents

Thiago Barbosa;Luís Reis;Jorge Raposo;Domingos Xavier Viegas

Gas cylinder accidents and incidents during Wildland Urban-Interface fires: an overview of the events

Thiago F. Barbosa;Luís Reis;Jorge Raposo;Luís Mário Ribeiro;Domingos Xavier Viegas

Cidadania, nacionalismo e propaganda política

Heloisa Paulo;Luís Reis Torgal

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