
Frédéric Morandini

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Frédéric Morandini



5 capítulos com autoria de Frédéric Morandini

Numerical study of high intensity experimental field fires across Corsican shrubland vegetation

Jacky Fayad;Lucile Rossi;Nicolas Frangieh;Carmen Awad;Gilbert Accary;François-Joseph Chatelon;Frédéric Morandini;Thierry Marcelli;Valérie Cancellieri;Dominique Cancellieri;Dominique Morvan;Antoine Pieri;Gilles Planelles;René Costantini;Patrice Briot;Sofiane Meradji;Jean-Louis Rossi

Impact of the bulk density on fire spread through a homogenous vegetation layer

Carmen Awad;Jacky Fayad;Nicolas Frangieh;Frédéric Morandini;Jean Louis Rossi;François Joseph Chatelon;Thierry Marcelli;Dominique Morvan;Gilbert Accary

Numerical prediction of the thermal stress induced by the burning of an ornamental vegetation at WUI

Anthony Graziani;Karina Meerpoel-Petri;Virginie Tihay-Felicelli;Paul-Antoine Santoni;Frédéric Morandini;Yolanda Perez-Ramirez;Antoine Pieri;William Mell

GOLIAT, a project to develop tools for firefighting and land use planning

Thierry Marcelli;Lucile Rossi;Gilbert Accary;Carmen Awad;Antoine Burglin;Dominique Cancellieri;Valérie Cancellieri;François-Joseph Chatelon;Jacky Fayad;Lila Ferrat;Nicolas Frangieh;Hugo Grossi;Sofiane Méradji;Frédéric Morandini;Dominique Morvan;Antoine Pieri;Clément Wandon;Agence;Jean-Louis Rossi

Effect of prescribed burning on chlorophyll fluorescence and sap flow of Pinus laricio, a preliminary study

Gauthier Lapa;Léa Lecomte;Frédéric Morandini;Valérie Cancellieri;Dominique Cancellieri;Lila Ferrat

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