
Justin P. Ziegler

Também publica como
Justin Paul Ziegler



3 capítulos com autoria de Justin P. Ziegler

Numerical Investigation of Crown Fuels Arrangements on Wildfire Behavior Following Fuels Treatments

Justin Paul Ziegler;Chad M. Hoffman;Russel A. Parsons;Morris Johnson;James Menakis

A comparison of four spatial interpolation methods for modeling fine-scale surface fuel load in a mixed conifer forest with complex terrain

Chad M. Hoffman;Justin P. Ziegler;Wade T. Tinkham;J. Kevin Hiers;Andrew T. Hudak

Evaluating crown fire rate of spread from physics based simulations to field data

C. M. Hoffman;R. R. Linn;W. Mell;C. H. Sieg;F. Pimont;Justin P. Ziegler

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