
João Gomes

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João Gomes



5 capítulos com autoria de João Gomes

Two-dimensional model of heat transfer in a pine trunk under the influence of a forest fire environment

Eusébio Conceição;João Gomes;Maria Manuela Lúcio;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Maria Teresa Viegas

Clean Forest – Project concept and preliminary results

João Gomes;Jaime Puna;António Marques;Jorge Gominho;Ana Lourenço;Rui Galhano;Sila Ozkan

Design and Radiative heat transfer in a fireman in wildfire environment

Eusébio Conceição;João Gomes;Maria Manuela Lúcio;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Maria Teresa Viegas

Numerical and experimental study on the moisture content of a pine tree

Eusébio Conceição;João Gomes;Mª Manuela Lúcio;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Mª Teresa Viegas

Wooden buildings in Wildland-Urban Interface areas: flammability of solid woods used in wood-framed construction in Portugal

Valeria Reva;João Gomes;José J. Costa;A. Rui Figueiredo

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