Kirsten Thonicke
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Kirsten Thonicke
3 capítulos com autoria de Kirsten Thonicke
Present and future fire risk changes in Central Europe
Maik Billing;Christopher Marrs;Matthias Forkel;Eike Sebode;Kirsten Thonicke
The Impact of Terrain and Fire Duration on Boreal Fires in the LPJmL-SPITFIRE Fire-Enabled Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
Luke Oberhagemann;Markus Drüke;Werner von Bloh;Maik Billing;Boris Sakschewski;Henning Rust;Kirsten Thonicke
Tropical forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon: relation to fire and land-use change
Ana Cano-Crespo;Paulo J. C. Oliveira;Manoel Cardoso;Kirsten Thonicke