László Bodnár
Também publica como
László Bodnár
6 capítulos com autoria de László Bodnár
Low-cost solution for forest fire detection using surveillance camera
Ágoston Restás;Valentin Virovácz;Sándor Rácz;László Bodnár
Logistics challenges of approaching the wildfires with different fire vehicles
László Bodnár
Ground water as water source opportunity at the fire front – case study at Bács-Kiskun County, Hungary
Ágoston Restás;András Kristóf;László Bodnár
Basic rules for developing fire sprinkler system in the forest
Ágoston Restás;Miguel Almeida;Saeid Lotfi;László Bodnár;Domingos Xavier Viegas
Fires at Wildland-urban interface in an observation plot in Hungary
László Bodnár;Péter Debreceni;Ágoston Restás
Examination of the forest fires detection: the relationship between the fire and the detection
László Bodnár;Ágoston Restás