
Ricardo M. Trigo

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Ricardo M. Trigo



5 capítulos com autoria de Ricardo M. Trigo

Assessing the role played by meteorological conditions on the interannual variability of fire activity in four subregions of Iberia

Sílvia A. Nunes;Carlos C. DaCamara;José M. C. Pereira;Ricardo M. Trigo

Characterizing the secondary peak of Iberian fires in March

Carlos C. DaCamara;Ricardo M. Trigo;Manuel L. Nascimento

Circulation weather types and their influence on the fire regime in Portugal

Carlos C. DaCamara;Ricardo M. Trigo

The extreme weather conditions behind the destructive fires of June and October 2017 in Portugal

Miguel M. Pinto;Alexandra Hurduc;Ricardo M. Trigo;Isabel F. Trigo;Carlos C. DaCamara

CeaseFire: a website to assist fire managers in Portugal

Carlos C. DaCamara;Ricardo M. Trigo;Miguel M. Pinto;Sílvia A. Nunes;Isabel F. Trigo;Célia M. Gouveia;Manuel Rainha

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