Sara McAllister
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Sara McAllister
4 capítulos com autoria de Sara McAllister
Generic burning rate curve for porous fuel beds
Sara McAllister;Isaac Grenfell;Mark Finney
Effect of layout and below-bed ventilation on burning rate of porous fuel beds
Sara McAllister;Mark Finney
A project to measure and model pyrolysis to improve prediction of prescribed fire behavior
David R. Weise;Thomas H. Fletcher;Timothy J. Johnson;WeiMin Hao;Mark Dietenberger; Marko Princevac; Bret Butler; Sara McAllister;Joseph O’Brien;Louise Loudermilk;Roger Ottmar;Andrew Hudak;Akira Kato;Babak Shotorban;Shankar Mahaling
Effect of moisture content and ventilation on the burning rate of porous fuel beds
Sara McAllister