
William E. Mell

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William Mell



5 capítulos com autoria de William E. Mell

High Resolution Fire Behavior Monitoring and Plume Simulation in the context of Experimental Fire

Ronan Paugam;William Mell;Jean-Baptiste Filippi;Melanie Rochoux;Martin Wooster

Numerical prediction of the thermal stress induced by the burning of an ornamental vegetation at WUI

Anthony Graziani;Karina Meerpoel-Petri;Virginie Tihay-Felicelli;Paul-Antoine Santoni;Frédéric Morandini;Yolanda Perez-Ramirez;Antoine Pieri;William Mell

Numerical characterization of structures heat exposure at WUI

Yolanda Pérez-Ramirez;Anthony Graziani;Paul-Antoine Santoni;Virginie Tihay-Felicelli;William Mell

An experimental approach to the evaluation of prescribed fire behavior

Eric Mueller;Nicholas Skowronski;Kenneth Clark;Robert Kremens;Michael Gallagher;Jan Thomas;Mohamad El Houssamia;Alexander Filkov;Bret Butler;John Holm;William Mell;Albert Simeoni

Numerical simulation of low-intensity fire spread in pine litter

Eric V. Mueller;Zakary Campbell-Lochrie;William Mell;Rory M. Hadden

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