
Isabel Capeloa Gil

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Isabel Capeloa Gil

É Professora Associada da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa na Especialidade de Língua e Cultura Alemãs. As suas principais áreas de investigação são: Literatura e Cultura Alemãs, Literatura Comparada, Teoria da Cultura. A sua investigação debruça-se sobretudo sobre as figurações da mulher na cultura, mito e sociedade no século XX, literatura e outras artes (dança, cinema), representações e rituais da guerra. Coordena o projeto de investigação do CELL (Centro de Estudos de Línguas e Literaturas): “Connecting Waters. Perceiving Maritime Tradition on Water and Shore”. É Membro da Sociedade Científica da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos, da Deutscher Lusitanisten Verband, da International Comparative Literature Association, da International Society for the Study of European Ideas, e da American Studies Association.


An associate professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University, Isabel Capeloa Gil specialises in the German language and culture. Her main areas of research are German culture and literature, comparative literature, and the theory of culture. Her research lays particular emphasis on the role played by women in culture, myth and society in the 20th century, literature and other arts (dance, cinema), and representations and rituals of war. She coordinates the CELL (Languages and Literature Study Centre) research program: “Connecting Waters. Perceiving Maritime Tradition on Water and Shore”. She is also a member of the University’s Research Society, the Portuguese Society for Comparative Literature, the Portuguese Association for German Studies, the Deutscher Lusitanisten Verband, the International Comparative Literature Association, the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, and the American Studies Association.


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