
Abdelrahman Abouali

Também publica como
Abdelrahman Abouali



3 capítulos com autoria de Abdelrahman Abouali

The role of the terrain-modified wind on driving the fire behaviour over hills: an Experimental and Numerical Analysis

Abdelrahman Abouali;Jorge Rafael Raposo;Domingos Xavier Viegas

Modelling of junction fires with analytical and numerical analysis of the phenomena

Jorge Raposo;Domingos Viegas;Abdelrahman Abouali;André Rodrigues;Miguel Almeida;Jorge André;Xiaodong Xie

Effect of canyons on a fire propagating laterally over slopes

André Rodrigues;Domingos Xavier Viegas;Abdelrahman Abouali;Jorge Raposo;Miguel Almeida;Luís Mário Ribeiro;Xieshang Yuan

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