Antonio Carlos Batista
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Antonio Carlos Batista
10 capítulos com autoria de Antonio Carlos Batista
The enemy lives next door: ecological consequences of woody encroachment in a grassland ecosystem in southern Brazil
Tiago de Souza Ferreira;Alexandre França Tetto;Ronaldo Viana Soares;Antonio Carlos Batista;Amanda Köche Marcon
Mapping methodological analysis of wildland-urban interface for wildfires in south of Brazil
Heitor Renan Ferreira;Antonio Carlos Batista;Kendra Zamproni;Josamar Gomes Júnior;João Francisco dos Santos
Evaluation of the flammability of forest species for fire management in wildland urban interface areas of Brazil
Antonio Carlos Batista;Daniela Biondi
Fire behavior of prescribed burns in grass: woody steppe on Paraná State, Brazil
Celso Darci Seger;Antonio Carlos Batista;Alexandre França Tetto;Ronaldo Viana Soares
Impacts of climate change on forest fire risk in Paraná State-Brazil
Antonio Carlos Batista;Alexandre França Tetto;Flavio Deppe;Leocádio Grodzki
The flammability of ornamental species with potential for use in highways and wildland urban interface (WUI) in southern Brazil
Daniela Biondi;Antonio Carlos Batista;Angeline Martini
Flammability and combustibility of potential species for use as fuel breaks
João Francisco Labres dos Santos;Antonio Carlos Batista;Andressa Tres;Alexandre França Tetto;Bruna Kovalsyki
Effective efficiency index (IEE): methodology for analyzing the efficiency of fire retardants in laboratory
Alexandre Beutling;Antonio Carlos Batista;Ronaldo Viana Soares;Lorena Stolle;Felipe Beutling
Influence of fire frequency and epoch of prescribed burn on topkill rates in vegetation of Cerrado in Tocantins, Brazil
Allan Deyvid Pereira da Silva;Antonio Carlos Batista;Marcos Giongo;Micael Moreia Santos;Eduardo Ganassoli Neto;Edmar Vinícius de Carvalho;Igor Eloi Silva Machado;Jader Nunes Cachoeira
Flammability of native species of two Brazilian ecosystems
João Francisco Labres dos Santos;Igor Eloi Silva Machado;Ronaldo Viana Soares;Antonio Carlos Batista;Pedro Cordeiro Neves;Alexandre França Tetto