Joana Parente
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Joana Parente
5 capítulos com autoria de Joana Parente
Long-term erosion and the impact of wildfires: two different approaches
Joana Parente;João Pedro Nunes;Jantiene Baartman;Dante Föllmi
Wildland urban interface assessment and prediction in relation to land use and land cover changes: the Portuguese case study
Marj Tonini;Federico Amato;Joana Parente;Mário G. Pereira
The role of forest fires in land use/land cover changes in Portugal
Joana Parente;Mário G. Pereira;Marj Tonini
Fire seasons in Portugal: the role of weather and climate
Malik Amraoui;Joana Parente;Mário G. Pereira
Extreme weather conditions: the role of an heat wave on wildfires in Portugal
Joana Parente;Mário G. Pereira;Malik Amraoui;E. M. Fischer