Geert Roskam
Metrodorus of Lampsacus was one of the most significant figures of the first generation of Epicureans. In this paper, all the passages from Plutarch’s works that contain information about Metrodorus are examined in detail. For methodological reasons, we first briefly deal with Metrodorus’ philosophical position, since this enables us to evaluate the details of Metrodorus’ life against the background of his theoretical convictions (thus taking into account the ancients’ own concern for consistency). The second part of the paper then focuses on biographical data (Metrodorus’ illness, his ‘marriage’, his quarrel with his brother Timocrates, and his friendship with Mithres).
ISBN: 978‑989‑26‑1639‑1
eISBN: 978‑989‑26‑1640‑7
DOI: 10.14195/978‑989‑26‑1640‑7_8
Área: Artes e Humanidades
Páginas: 109-126
Data: 2019