Defense and deterrence in the context of the foundation of the Delian League
Thomas J Figueira
This contribution examines the plans of the Athenians and their allies at the foundation of the Delian League in 478 by exploring conjectural force structures. Likely Persian forces of c. 600 triremes could be anticipated. Persia had also demonstrated noteworthy capacity to mount closely successive expeditions and to recover from losses. Therefore, the Delian League was severely challenged to match ship for ship and to find the requisite manpower. Various methodologies yield both total and practicable allied fleets of different sizes (with total hulls touching 600 at highest estimate). Financial administration and tactical deployment discouraged small ship contingents for the allies in favor both of levying monetary tribute which funded the Athenian fleet and of manning its ships with personnel from smaller maritime allies. Hypotheses on the costs of allied forces can be proposed in order to understand the high initial Aristeidian assessment of the allies. Eurymedon represents a turning point, demonstrating how early preemptive deployment and confrontation far eastward from the Aegean by the Delian League compensated for superior Persian resources.
ISBN: 978-989-26-1279-9
eISBN: 978-989-26-1280-5
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1280-5_1
Área: Artes e Humanidades
Páginas: 17-41
Data: 2016
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Defense and deterrence in the context of the foundation of the Delian League
Thomas J Figueira
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