Eunomia in heaven and on earth: Plutarch’s nomos between rhetoric and science
Luc Van der Stockt
Against the Epicureans, Plutarch holds that philosophy and religion are more important for society than statute laws. Given the analogy between the politician and the god-creator of the harmonious cosmos, rulers and their laws should, then, humbly imitate god and his divine law of Justice, thereby having only persuasion as a tool. It is argued that the rhetorical concept of persuasion plays an equally important role in the way the god, according to Plutarch (as a Platonist) has created the cosmos: divine persuasion overcame the laws of nature. The prescriptive character of this persuasion, however, conflicts with our modern concept of the descriptive character of physical laws.
ISBN: 978-989-721-011-2
eISBN: 978-989-721-012-9
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-721-012-9_15
Área: Artes e Humanidades
Páginas: 203-213
Data: 2014
Outros Capítulos (17)
ΝΟΜΟΣ como criterio de valoración ética en las Vidas Paralelas
Jiménez Aurelio Pérez Jiménez
Pericles, ¿un modelo de ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ?
Mónica Durán Mañas
O sentido de dike nas biografias de Aristides e Catão Censor
Joaquim Pinheiro
Plutarco y su interpretación de leyes griegas concernientes a la familia y propiedad
Inés Calero Secall
Political reforms in the Lives of Lycurgus and Numa: divine revelation or political lie?
Ália Rosa C. Rodrigues
ΚΟΣΜΟΣ and its derivatives in the Plutarchan works on love
Carlos A Martins de Jesus
Nomos e Kosmos na caracterização do António e da Cleópatra de Plutarco
Nuno Simões Rodrigues
The Daimon in Timarchus' cosmic vision (Plu. De Gen. Socr. 22, 590B-592E)
Aldo Setaioli
Un nomos atopos? Gli Efori e i baffi degli Spartani: nota esege tica a De sera num. vind. 4.550B
Stefano Amendola
La nozione di Giustizia nel suo sviluppo storico: la Giustizia come valore primario del pensiero etico e politico di Plutarco
Francesco Becchi
La giustizia del saggio: una polemica di Plutarco contro gli Stoici
Paola Volpe Cacciatore
Dike y otras deidades justicieras en la obra de Plutarco
Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui
La giustizia nel Grillo e la conclusione del dialogo
Angelo Casanova
Animali parlanti e giustizia in Plutarco ed Omero
Marcello Tozza
Eunomia in heaven and on earth: Plutarch’s nomos between rhetoric and science
Luc Van der Stockt
Ordre et désordre dans la pensée de Plutarque: réseaux lexicaux et problématiques philosophiques autour de ΔΙΚΗ, ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, ΝΟΜΟΣ
Françoise Frazier
Jueces, premios y castigos en el Más Allá de Plutarco
Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal