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Cena apud Catones: ideology and sympotic behavior

≈ 2 mins de leitura

Mark Beck

In this paper I will analyze the ideological ramifications of the sympotic behavior of Cato Censorious and Cato Minor as exhibited in their respective Lives. In particular their treatment of slaves or other participants at the symposia will be discussed. I will demonstrate that Plutarch is at pains to contrast their behavior negatively with that of Socrates who figures in all four Lives of the two pairs as an extraneous foil. Ultimately I will examine the primary target of Plutarch’s literary attack; Cicero’s highly idealized portraits of both of these Roman exemplars. I will show that Plutarch is pursuing an ideological agenda that seeks to negatively evaluate two great symbols of Roman virtue against the truly philosophical Socratic paradigm.


eISBN: 978-989-26-0908-9
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-8281-17-3_14
Área: Artes e Humanidades
Páginas: 147-163
Data: 2009

