
Ricardo Correia

Também publica como
Ricardo Correia

Artistic Director of Casa da Esquina, Coimbra's creative and programming structure, where he develops transdisciplinary collaborative creative work, investing in original dramaturgy, mediating between real and fiction, from the archive as a practice, involving documentary, autobiographical and post-memory. Since 2001 he has participated in more than forty plays, as an actor/creator in several projects and institutions, both national and international. As a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Fellow, he attended the London International School of Performing Arts (2013). Master in Theatre, specialising in Staging, from the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. Since 2015 he has been the curator of the Bienal de Arte Contemporânea ANOZERO/15 and 17 of the Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra. He is the director of more than twenty shows, presented in several theatres, schools, prestigious festivals (FIT in Belo Horizonte, BE Festival in Birmingham) and in several international geographies (Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Leipzig, London and Newcastle, among others). Author of about a dozen texts for theatre. His most recent work, entitled Call Center, was published by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II & Bicho do Mato, in the volume Laboratório de Escrita para Teatro - Textos 2017/2018. He has been teaching since 2013 as a Guest Assistant Professor in the Degree of Theatre and Education of ESEC/IPC and, since 2015, as a Guest Assistant Professor in the Degree of Artistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.


Artistic Director of Casa da Esquina, Coimbra's creative and programming structure, where he develops transdisciplinary collaborative creative work, investing in original dramaturgy, mediating between real and fiction, from the archive as a practice, involving documentary, autobiographical and post-memory. Since 2001 he has participated in more than forty plays, as an actor/creator in several projects and institutions, both national and international. As a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Fellow, he attended the London International School of Performing Arts (2013). Master in Theatre, specialising in Staging, from the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. Since 2015 he has been the curator of the Bienal de Arte Contemporânea ANOZERO/15 and 17 of the Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra. He is the director of more than twenty shows, presented in several theatres, schools, prestigious festivals (FIT in Belo Horizonte, BE Festival in Birmingham) and in several international geographies (Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Leipzig, London and Newcastle, among others). Author of about a dozen texts for theatre. His most recent work, entitled Call Center, was published by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II & Bicho do Mato, in the volume Laboratório de Escrita para Teatro - Textos 2017/2018. He has been teaching since 2013 as a Guest Assistant Professor in the Degree of Theatre and Education of ESEC/IPC and, since 2015, as a Guest Assistant Professor in the Degree of Artistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.


1 livros com autoria de Ricardo Correia

1.ª Edição

O meu país é o que o mar não quer e outras peças

Ricardo Correia

ISBN: 978-989-26-1652-0
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1653-7



1 capítulos com autoria de Ricardo Correia

Jangada de SIG na administração pública portuguesa

Joaquim Patriarca;Sara Canilho;João André Sacramento;Ricardo Correia;António Padez Castro;Sara Santos;José Gomes Santos;Ricardo Pinho

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