
Elysio de Moura

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Elysio de Moura

Psiquiatra português, nasceu em Braga, em 1877, e morreu em Coimbra, em 1977. Licenciado em Medicina pela Universidade de Coimbra, inaugurou, em Portugal, em 1907, o ensino da neurologia. Foi o primeiro bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos e a ele se deve a fundação do Manicómio de Sena (1911). Publicou os seguintes estudos: “Semiologia dos Reflexos” (1901), “A Toxidez Urinária” (1902” e “Anorexia Mental” (1947).


Elsa Maria Carneiro Mendes completed her undergraduate in history (1983) at the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Letters. Later, she earned a master's in at history (2000) from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, with a study on ‘A obra do Arquitecto Rosendo Carvalheira (1863-1919)’ [The Work of Architect Rosendo Carvalheira] and obtained her PhD in Letters, in the field of literary and cultural studies, with a specialisation in American studies, at the University of Lisbon, defending a thesis entitled ‘A Cruz, o Gládio e a Espada: representações da História no cinema de Cecil B. DeMille (1881-1959)’, which is the basis of this publication. A secondary school teacher at the Dr. José Afonso High School (Seixal) and teacher educator, she has collaborated in articles published in larger projects, namely the Dicionário Biográfico Parlamentar: 1834-1910 (2005) and Portugal Património: Guia Inventário (2007). Having, additionally, published papers on the history of art and film studies, her main research areas are the history of contemporary culture, film studies, and the field of cinema and history.


1 livros com autoria de Elysio de Moura

1.ª Edição

Anorexia mental (1947)

Elysio de Moura

ISBN: 972-8704-42-9
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-0333-9


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