Teoria da Educação - Contributos Ibéricos
Theory of Education: Iberian contributions
João BoavidaAngel Garcia del Dujo
Education has always been a determining factor in the life of men and societies, but it has today acquired enormous relevance, becoming one of the great themes of the moment with importance not only for the present but also for the future.ALT_QUEBRA_LINHAMany different academic subjects contribute to education, ranging from the social and human sciences to the empirical sciences, while the social, cultural, spiritual and moral fund represented by education continues to flow incessantly like a deep river which, despite the winds and turbulence that agitate and perturb its surface. The problems that concern education today, like scientific information and empirical research which can clarify it, cannot dispense with theoretical analyses to arrive at new forms of understanding that are as complex as they are problematic and difficult as are the educational subjects.ALT_QUEBRA_LINHAThis book brings together multiple perspectives on education by professors and researchers from Portugal and Spain in the domain of theory and philosophy of education. Bringing together representatives of 22 universities in the Iberian Peninsula, these studies reflect a multiplicity of theoretical approaches to education, giving a global view of what is thought in the geographical and cultural context of Western Europe. It is, therefore an excellent occasion to deepen our knowledge of these subjects and look at them from innovative and fertile perspectives.
1.ª Edição
ISBN: 978-989-8074-17-1
eISBN: 978-989-26-0486-2
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-0486-2
Série: Ensino
Páginas: 610
Data: Outubro, 2007
Teoria da Educação
Outros Capítulos (19)
A especificidade do educativo: seu potencial teórico e prático
João Boavida;João Amado
La teoría de la educación en su doble dimensionalidad: de la realidad y del saber educativo
Antonio J Colom Cañellas
Notas sobre as possibilidades de construção de uma teoria da educação
Maria Teresa Estrela
Las dimensiones filosófica y antropológica de la interpretación educativa
José Vicente Peña Calvo;Teófilo Rodríguez Neira;Enrique Gervilha Castillo;Petra Ma. Pérez Alonso-Geta
Sophia e o desejo de Theoria
Manuel Alte da Veiga
Hechos y pensamientos sobre educación en busca de una teoría: la trama entre Biología, Tecnología y Cultura
Ángel García del Dujo;Joaquín García Carrasco;José María Asensio Aguilera
Razão filosófica e razão educativa: Filosofia da educação como Filosofia aplicada
Ana Pedro
Memoria y prospectiva de la teoría de la educación
Fernando Gil Cantero;Gonzalo Jover Olmeda
Desafios a uma teoria da educação na pós-modernidade
Maria das Dores Formosinho
La pedagogía en y de la sociedad cognitiva
Gonzalo Vázquez Gómez
Hermenêutica da educação: um desafio aos cánones epistemológicos das Ciências da Educação
Adalberto Dias de Carvalho
El conocimiento pedagógico y la periferia del universo educativo
Ana Ayuste González;Begoña Gros Salvat;Teresa Romañá Blay;Jaume Trilla Bernet;Pilar Aznar Mínguet;Agustín Requejo Osorio;Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
Mitos e educação
Carlos Fernandes Maia
Pensar la educación desde la experiencia
Fernando Bárcena Orbe;Jorge Larrosa Bondía;Joan-Carles Mélich Sangrá
Valores culminantes: educação para a morte/educação para a vida
Maria da Conceição Azevedo
Contribución del discurso intercultural a una nueva teoría de la educación
Miguel A. Santos Rego;María dei Mar Lorenzo Moledo;Félix Etxeberría Balerdi;Ramón Mínguez Vallejos;José Antonio Jordán Sierra;Cristóbal Ruiz Román
La educación ciudadana en una sociedad multicultural y compleja
Pedro Ortega Ruiz;José Manuel Touriñán López;Juan Escámez Sánchez
«Massagem» mediática: desafio à teoria da educação
Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reís
El futuro de la teoría de la educación: en perspectiva tecnológica
Jaume Sarramona López